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Hiatal Hernia Surgery

A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach extends through the diaphragm and causes reflux, as well as difficulty swallowing, abdominal or chest pain, shortness of breath, and vomiting blood.


Symptoms do not always cause sufficient discomfort, and since curing hiatal hernia depends on medical detection, the patient may not be aware of their condition.

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A hiatal hernia surgery, also called a reflux operation, is recommended when symptoms persist and produce gastroesophageal reflux that cannot be stopped by treatment.

The surgical procedure can be an open hiatal hernia operation or through laparoscopic repair.

In both cases, it will usually require a few days of rest, but the recovery prognosis is usually short.

Notas enfermera que hace

Go to your certified surgeon to receive an expert evaluation and resolve all your doubts about this condition


Dr. Edgar A. González Macedo

General Surgery - Laparoscopic Surgery - Colon and Rectal Surgery

Tel: 55 5272 3327 Ext. 2 WhatsApp and Mobile: 55 20 85 83 70

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